Mom Said..... Would You Care For Some Cake??

Hello Friends,

Our neighbor came over
last night with some flowers
and a wonderful Chocolate
cake for Mom's birthday on
Sunday!! Look at this Cake!!
Well sick or no sick my mother
Ever since I can remember
she has loved it...and I
inherited the chocolate
gene as well. I think if
my Mom could eat chocolate
All the time she would.
She once told her church
group that she would not
go to Heaven if there was
no Chocolate there....I told
her that God probably has
something even better there
than chocolate...well that
really did not comfort her
too much!! Lol

Anyway if you were here
she said she would "share" some
with you. Believe me your
very lucky!!

Mom is still coughing but
not as much and more alert
than yesterday!
Me...well I'm hangin in there!

Thank you for your well wishes and prayers!


Love you All,

Susan and Grandma Helen


  1. Very sorry your mom is ill and I do know how difficult these days are. Please eat chocolate for me as I love it. Blessings to all...

  2. Get well soon to your sweet mom and this cake should perk her up for sure. What a treasure to still have a momma here, and as for the chocolate. Oh be still my heart. Diet shake in the morning and by noon my resolves is gone and I will eat every snitch of chocolate areound. Isn't that crazt?

  3. Thanks! It's delicious and even better, no calories. Glad your mom is on the mend, you take care of yourself too.

    That really is one stupendous cake!

  4. Chocolate cures the inner parts of a woman! At least for me, it makes me feel better. This is such a thoughtful gesture from your neighbor.

    Thinking of you.
    One day at a time...

    Ciao Bella

    Creative Carmelina

  5. Yummy! Happy Belated Birthday to your mom. I wish I had remembered her day and made her some candy. You know honey you have to remind this ole lady of everything.
    What a sweet neighbor to bring this cake over and boy does it make me want some chocolate now. I don't think I have any around here. OH no!
    Sorry you all have been sick. I hope by the time you read this that everyone is feeling a lot better.
    Love your picture of Lucia. What a darling!
    Miss you

  6. Oh my goodness! It looks like total goodness and yum!
    Hugs, Diane


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