Troubled Waters.....Feeling Down and Needing Prayers....

As many of you know I have been trying to plan
a trip to go see my family back east. So far we
had a pretty bad ice/snow storm down here in
Ga. last week. My husband and I were going
to try again this week. Yesterday after church
I received a call from my oldest son....that
my daughter-in-law and little Lucia would not
be available when we were going to be there
to see her.....also, some more bad news that
I can't disclose here right now. I will have to
wait till probably towards the end of February
now maybe...because my husband will be tied up
with work as well. There is more stuff.....but,
again I can't say anything at this point in time.

It is so very hard to be far away from your family.
When you have grandchildren they grow so fast
and so many things you miss out on. Pictures
are great but there is nothing like holding
them and hearing them and being close.

If I told you all the things I have gone through
over the years with family you would probably
wonder how I have ever kept my sanity...sometimes
I wonder this myself.

I do know one thing...and this is what gets me
through the tough times that God is all around
me and knows how i feel and how my heart
breaks over things that I have no control over.
I know that there is His perfect timing in everything
and I will wait on Him.

Being human is hard and difficult and littered
with dissapointments, it can get overwhelming
many times. I know you All can understand that.
We all go though it, no one is immune to the
hard times.

So I am asking for prayers I am asking for
your shoulders to cry on....just for a little

I appreciate you all more than
you will ever know.

Thank you,


  1. Susan, I'm sure you'll stand tall, and make the best of your situation.
    Sometimes we just have to go through certain things without a full understanding of why things are the way they are.
    Communication and Understanding and Respect play important roles in our relationships, especially with family!

    I'm thinking of you...keep busy with things that make you happy...
    ciao bella
    Creative Carmelina

  2. Susan I prayed for you last night and this morning that your situation would change and that you could go see your family.
    Your such a dear person and friend I just hate to see you go through this in your life.
    So true we need to hold those babies even though we love the pictures.
    My heart aches for you but I know with your faith that you will find the answer.

  3. Susa, I am so sad to read your post. But I do fully understand how you must be feeling. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and hope you all get through this tough time. Hugs Rita xxxx

  4. Dear Susan,
    How sad for you,-I know how it feels, -me also being far away from my grandchildren.
    I so hope all your bad news, will turn, to better before long.
    Warm thoughts, and a hug. Dorthe
    Your and your friends ATC`s are so beautifull, -I love them both.

  5. I am at a loss for words to comfort you. I am certain a photo is no replacement for holding a precious little one in your arms. I hope the days fly by, while you wait to see Lucia. I also wish for you peace with all that is going on around you. Blogging friends have prayed for me and it was such a comfort. We are praying for you and I hope you, find comfort in that.

  6. Susan, I am so sorry things are tough right now. They are for me also. I am so glad that my faith is strong enough, if it wasn't I would be sitting around all day feeling sorry for myself. I know God's plans are so much greater than mine and if I have to go through what I am going through to have God's plan work in my life... then I am willing because I trust and love HIM so very much. Always keep that faith Susan and you will be alright. I will pray that God will continue to give you strength and hope.
    Love you,

  7. Sending u big hugs Susan- hang tough and be sure the Lord listens to prayer.... jane w.

  8. just wanted to say that I am sending good thoughts and prayers your way and hoping that you will feel strengthened by our love and prayers...take care dear one.

  9. many of us put on a brave face for the world when we are really hurting inside.
    Do something for yourself today that makes you smile and pampers you even just a little bit.
    Sending hugs,

  10. Susan-
    I am just now getting to this post and my heart is breaking for your troubled soul. I don't know why it is that things like this happen to wonderful people - Like you - but I know that you have a strong faith and that you will be able to tackle this - whatever the pain. Please know that from this moment on I am praying for you and your family. You are loved very much by your friends here in blogland - and our prayers and love for you will help tocarry you through this painful time.


  11. Oh my friend I am hopeing it all works out ok for you. I am praying and letting you lay your head on my shoulders for comfort, let me know when you can what is going on. God is there for you my dear. Hugs and Love, Mary

  12. Oh Susan You have lifted me up so many times and I know your strength and also your faith. Life is just plain not fair much of the times but your faith will see you through the storm that is brewing in your life right now. Prayers being said NOW> Peace, Mollye

  13. Susan, sorry things are not going so great....praying for you and wishing things could be better. It is so hard to be away from the grandchildren....they do grow so fast. God does hear our prayers!
    Hang in there, your blog friends love you!!!!
    Margaret B

  14. Dear sweet Susan,
    Oh I am so sad to hear this. I know how much you were looking forward to your trip.
    You are such a dear, dear friend and I am sending you heartfelt hugs.
    Prayers are being said for you and your family. Bless your sweet heart, I remember our phone conversation a couple of months ago.
    Know you are thought of and are loved,


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