Hunkering Down for A Long Winters Eve....and some other thoughts

Hello Sweet Friends,

Here in Georgia we are
bracing ourselves for a
pretty severe Snow/Ice
storm heading our way
sometime this evening.

My husband and I have
been scurrying around
town getting salt crystals
to scatter and De-icer for
the car. Filled the car up
with plenty of gas too.
My husband works about an
hour away from our home
and so is not relishing the
drive into work in the morning
like many other Atlantan's!!

I went over to Jo-Ann's to buy
a few odds and ends this afternoon
that I needed to complete some
craft projects with as well.
Of course I had to buy another
magazine...this time it was
"Romantic Homes". My all time
favorite one for many years
is "Victoria Bliss" which I have collected
for over 14 years now.

The picture I posted tonight is the
quilt I am finishing up for my sweet
little granddaughter Lucia....sigh...
I'm totally in love with her.
The quilt I am making for her
is called a "Vintage baby quilt"
It is made up of charm squares
that you sew horizontal and vertical
lines across the whole quilt. Quite
easy for a beginner quilter as well.
You can throw it is the wash and the edges
will fray for a charming effect!
All I have left to do is add the satin
binding in "cream color" and viola!

As some of you know from earlier posts
my hubby and I are "hoping" to drive up
to New Jersey later this week so we can
see Lucia for the 1st. time and also my two
grandsons. We are Praying that we will be able
to make the journey up and back home without
any SNOW!!!!
Well all these things are in the Lords hands
and I turn it all over to him for He always
knows best!!!! Please say some prayers that our
journey will go alright!

Please Pray with me for Gabbie Gifford
and all of the folks that were involved
in this horribly sad event that took
place in Arizona. There were so
many signs that this man was insane
and too bad he was not apprehended
somehow before he took the lives of
6 people including a nine year old girl.
and injuring so many.

We need to make a difference in this
world and act upon things more than
just hope that it will be alright!

I Love All of you and wish you
Peace and Love in all that you
do in your life.



  1. Susan- I hope your ice storm is not severe! I hat snow but I hate ice even worse! The baby quilt is absolutely precious. I am praying that you get to make special trip- you need to hold that sweet baby in your arms. I will pray for safe travels. We will be expecting pictures upon your return!

  2. Susan your quilt is just lovely like your darling Lucia. I am so happy that you are going this week. Nothing will stop your trip. The weather will get better and you will have a wonderful time while your there too.
    I loved talking to you tonight and I will pray for your getting there to see your babies.
    What you have made for Lucia has me in awe of your talent.
    Love them all and her new picture you have up for us is precious.
    Love ya sweetie and have fun

  3. Dear Susan,
    your quilt looks so beautifull,love the fabricks you used.
    I so understand your big wish to go see the little new one-and pray for you ,and a safe trawel.
    We heard of the terribly event in Arizona, here in Denmark,too- how awfull, and sad.
    Wishing you a happy week-dear Susan.

  4. Susan, I am so praying that you can make your trip to see your wonderful granddaughter. I know the quilt you are making for her will become a treasured favorite. It is funny how snow stops everything in Georgia!!!
    Love to you,

  5. Hello my sweet friend. The baby quilt looks wonderful......we are having some snow looks like we are all getting a touch of it this year.....I love to work on my craft projects when the weather is not great outside, of course I need a lot of wood for the wood stove and have my hubby home and plenty of food so we can just enjoy the little cave. Glad you are doing well. Love and hugs Mary

  6. Beautiful fabrics you have selected for this quilt. She will love it as long as it lasts but will probably love it to tatters. I hope you survive safely your coming storm and that your trip goes off without a hitch.

  7. hi Susan- what an absolutely INCREDIBLE ATC you sent me...just breathtaking! THANK YOU so much! Hope to get yours in the mail by tomoro! hugs, Jane W. blissful atc swap partner p.s.....thank you also for the extra "goodies"

  8. Susan, I love the sweet colors in this!
    Hugs, Diane


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