Heartfelt Thanks and Busy Hands.......

Hello Dear Friends!!

I wanted to thank All of
you for your healing words
of kindness and your Prayers.

I awoke this morning with
a calm peace in my heart
and feel much better.
The situations have not
really changed...nor
are they known to me
at this point in time.
I will trust in the Lord
in All that I do although
at times I may cry out
to him....well it's alright
there are reasons and
good ones too, for on the sidelines
work is being done to settle
all situations in the most
perfect timing...His timing!!

I am puttering around my craft
room today, looking through
my buttons, and threads and
being forever grateful for
all things that come my

Life is a forever learning
process and I am grateful
to be here to learn as much
as I possibly can.

Love You All,



  1. Dearest Susan,
    I so hope for you, you will soon be having good news-untill then stay safe,and be calm.
    Warm thoughts, to you.

  2. Prayers continue for you. So glad you are able to enjoy your treasures in your studio.

  3. Dearest Susan,
    Oh my friend, I'm so sorry to hear the news in your previous post! I thought of you this morning and prayed for you. His timing is perfect even though we will probably never agree with it or understand it....may the Lord fill you with His perfect peace.
    Blessings xo

  4. Susan, thanks so much for coming by my blog.
    I do hope my gentle spirit can help you in these days and hours.
    I myself have know the depths, and through art, music and nature, and a bit of dance, I find peace and a lovely world to live in.
    aloha Lilla

  5. So, today I call my wife, Susan, like I do pretty much every lunchtime from work. She's telling me how she has hurt her back again while pulling down Christmas decorations. She certainly needs some prayer for that now as well. However, I can say that on the matter of going to New Jersey, she's in much better spirits and your prayers and thoughts have certainly helped her. Thank you all!!

  6. So glad that your creativity is still going strong. Love your work, you always have so many pretty touches.....
    Keeping you in my prayers!
    Margaret B

  7. Susan honey I love how you always put your faith in God to take care of you. One of the reasons I love you.
    I just noticed Larry's comment and see that you have hurt your back. I really hated reading that. Are you okay. Let me know.
    Is Larry in Dallas this weekend.


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