Blanket I made for my Grand daughter and My Giveaway ending tomorrow!

 Hello Dear Friends,                                                  

I have been missing from
Blogland for a few days
because I am finishing up
on some projects for my
new Grand daughter
Lucia. She was born
the day after Thanks
giving 2010. My hubby and
I are driving to N.J.
next week to see Lucia
my two Grandsons
and the rest of my family.

On the quilt you will
see four fabric hearts                                                 
I have also made for
Lucia. The biggest
one I embroidered
her name onto.
I use to embroider
quite a bit in my
youth but now
with my eye problems
I have difficulty. I wanted
to embroider her first
and middle name but
could only manage
Lucia! What do you
think..does it look

The Fleece/Flannel
blanket I made was
so much fun to make.
I had some practice
a couple of years ago
as I had made some for
my two Grandsons.
I have to tell you
though, making
one in pink was
a delight....I love
pink very much!!

I also have a quilt
that needs some
as Tom Hanks
would say in
You've Got Mail!

I am also making
matching booties
for the little sweetie
with the flower fleece
on the outside and
the lining of the pink
and white flannel
thats on the other
side of the blanket.

Well my Dears my Giveaway
is ending tomorrow so  if you have
not entered... please do
so. Ok?

Love You all sooo

Blessings and Peace,



  1. What a heirloom treasure you have created. She may be sleeping with that at age 18 like my daughter and her favorite blanket!

  2. What a wonderful gift, I can see why now you liked my hearts that I am working on for my new quilt, here we go again, thinking the same, love Mary

  3. Lovely, it will be loved to pieces. Is it safe to have buttons on it? Probably fine for now. Lucia is a beautiful name and needs no further embellishment, IMO. The angel wall hanging will be something she will always remember, even when she is as old as me. I remember the one we had in our bedroom as a child. Have a wonderful journey!

  4. Dear Susan,
    how sweet and pretty ,your blanket is,-I so love the sorbet-colors-and the dear embroidered heart.
    Your new little Lucia will just love this, to feel cosy inside- for many,many years.

  5. Susan, the quilt is sweet and the hearts just perfect. Lucia is a lucky little baby.

  6. Oh Susan..Lucia will cherish this blanket for all her days. I am sure of it! It's Beautifully and Lovingly Created from one of the Dearest Hearts I've Come To Know In Quite Awhile! :)) My maternal grandmother gave me my first piece of jewelry the day of my birth. And Susan..I still have it. It's in a Special Memory Box with all my Precious Memories. Have A Safe And Wonderful Journey To NJ and give Sweet Lucia a squeeze for me. With Love & Friendship, Terri

  7. Such a lovely blanket. You are a wonderful grandma and I am sure that the blanket will be cherished always.


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