Susan and the Elves Part Two......Fla La La lala La la la la.....

 Hi Everyone!

So I have been cracking down
really hard on the elves lately....

There are cards to make.....

Ornaments to make.....

Yikes....who knocked All
the glitter on the floor....Huhhh?

Well as you can see it's a mad
rush around here and WE will
be working round the clock
till it's ALL DONE!!

Hey....they have the Christmas
music on really really loud!
Hey you guys wanna keep it down??

Over and out for now!!

Susan and the Elves in an undisclosed site!!!!


  1. Susan , such beautifull work-I love the heart,---take care dear, and don`t let the elves stress you :)
    Hugs, Dorthe

    Your packet will be postet today..

  2. Very nice cards! And the angel it!

  3. ha ha! I love the Glitter Issue! It is the most fun to create with Glitter...but I find shiny stuff all over the house for months after using it! heee....he!
    that is the best part I think! a reminder of your creative session!
    vive le glitter!

    thanks for your sweet comments! I love hearing from you!

    ciao bella
    Creative Carmelina

  4. Man, I haven't even started on cards yet! I've had visitor for the past 3 days and gotten nothing done except to mail off the quilt to my sister. I got a fantastic package myself today, I shall write you about it. Your cards are wonderful, gifts unto themselves.

  5. LOL! Nope! Gonna keep the holiday music up nice and loud on my Pandora station! ;-)

  6. Cards went out on 11-29-10, tree up 2 days before Tsgiving ... gifts all purchased by end of Oct.

    Do you need any help? Chuckle!

    Christmas hugs & wishes ~
    TTFN ~ Marydon

  7. The elves have been busy... Cute ideas... Have fun and enjoy it all.


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