More Pictures of my Granddaughter.... Little Lucia...

Hello All!

I wanted to share a
couple of new photos
of my sweet little
granddaughter Lucia.
January cannot come
quick enough to see
her and the rest of my 

I am in complete awe
of her....She is so beautiful.

I wish you all a wonderful

Miracles are all around us.....



  1. She is beautiful my friend. Love Mary

  2. She is a beautiful tiny miracle. Enjoy every moment Susan.

  3. Congratulations Susan! God Bless her xo

  4. Oh Susan these pictures are just so adorable and she is beautiful!
    Honey I know you are just having a fit to get her in your arms. These pictures make me want to hold her myself. How precious.
    So Happy for you! Enjoyed our visit. I posted my winners a little while ago. It is so exciting to see who wins. Just wish I could send everyone something

  5. OOHHHH Susan how precius she is, and looks so cute, and beautifull--yes endeed a mirackle....
    I know your heart melts, seing her little face.
    Hugs, Dorthe

    I will try to come to the post tomorrow, dear.

  6. Hi Susan.
    She is beautiful!
    Wishing you a wonderful Friday!
    Hugs, Sharon

  7. Wow, she is such a beautiful gift. Thanks for sharing her with us this way. What a blessing.

  8. What a little dear! There is nothing like a sweet, tiny baby. They grow so fast! Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment--I always enjoy it when you do. Hope you can find the cranberry stuffing. ; )
    Enjoy your week...and especially the visit with this little one in the next few weeks.


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