Merry Christmas From Our House to Yours.....Snowing in Georgia for Christmas

Merry Christmas To All!!                            

How is your Christmas
going? I hope you are
all having a wonderful
day so far filled with
wonderful family,
great friends and lots
of goodies to eat!!!

I thought I would
share some pictures
with All of you of
our day here in
cold, snowy

My Mom had quite
a fun time opening
here presents and                                              
my husband received
some great presents

My favorite gift from
my hubby is my
new "Nook" from
Barnes and Noble.
I can now read
books again with
the help of the large
type that I can adjust
it to.

Our cat Sam had his
Christmas present
early, he had a spa
day this past week.
The pet mobile came
to our home so Sam
had his hair cut
the Lion cut style
and his nails trimmed.
He loves getting his
little hair cut a lot!
He runs around
alot more when he doesn't
have 5 Lbs. of hair hanging
on him!!

Well hope you all enjoy
your Christmas and know I Love
All of you and Thank you
for sticking with me this year
and giving me such Love, Joy
and your Friendship!!!

Merry Christmas
to YOU All!!

Love and may
God Bless
each of you.                


  1. Dearest Susan -
    Merry Christmas to you my dear friend~~ what a year that has been. I feel that I have got to know you so well through your blog and your amazing talented creations. You are a precious friend - and I wish for you the most wonderful Holiday Season and New Year.

    How wonderful that you were blessed with a white Christmas! A very special gift indeed! We have lots of that white stuff here - want some more?

    You will love your Nook - what a great gift. I love my Kindle - it's all about the same - ereaders are a wonderful thing!

    What a precious picture of you and your Mother~~


  2. Oh Susan, thanks again for your friendship, I too think of you all the time. I just love the photo of you and your mom, you are simply adorable........................Take care.....Love Mary

  3. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Susan. Snow in Georgia!?? You all stay safe and warm. It has been a pleasure getting to know you this past year and I look forward to doing more of the same in the coming year. Best wishes!XXOO

  4. Dear Susan,
    I am happy for you you had a wonderfull christmas, and happy that I did ,too.
    I love your little pink churche.
    Dear I wonder if you have recieved the angel, I really do hope so, as it is now ca. 14 dayes ago I send it to you?
    We have and have had for long lots of snow here, but I think, it should be with you by now.
    I wish you piecefull and happy hollydayes, sweet friend.
    Hugs, Dorthe

  5. Hi Susan...thanks so much for your offer to help! You are so sweet! We are just amazed at the blessing God is pouring on us & especially his parents. Healing is already begininng as we are surrounded by such loving people!

    I love the picture of you & your mom! Nothing better to be wityh those we love is there :) Thanks again for your sweet words! Love!!!

  6. Susan, thank you for letting me know who the designer of the fabric is. Actually, I kind of "know" Andrea from an artists' group I belonged to. Not surprised! Her work is ALWAYS gorgeous!


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