Creating From Your Heart At Christmas.....and Every Day!!

Hello Dear Friends,

I hope all of you where
ever you are are having
a Great Day!!!

I am wrapping some
presents today that I
have been working on
and thought I would show
you a few.

I made some lovely
little pillows this year
to hang in your home.
I loved the fabric
with the Wisemen
and Mary with Baby
Jesus. I bought some
lovely burgandy
velvet for the backing.
I also added some
batting behind the
picture for more

Here is one of the little
pendants I showed
you in an earlier
post. I added
the lovely silver
chain along with
garnets and a

Enjoy the day!!

Love to You All




  1. Hi Susan,
    I mailed a little package for you last friday.
    I love the pillow very pretty!!!!

  2. Hi dear Susan,
    they are so beautifull, all-love the warm colors, and the pillow with Mary-and the child, is awsome- so wonderfull, dear.
    Hugs, Dorthe

  3. They are just lovely Susan ... the pendant is pretty, the pillow precious.

    Have a lovely winter's eve ~
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  4. You have a lovely blog. Your pillows are really amazing! The pendant is very pretty too. What fab gifts you are sharing.

  5. Beautiful things! all of them but especially that pillow. So classy!

  6. Hi Susan - These cushions are just so beautiful. I have a real passion for thes rich colours. Lovely work and beautiful gifts. Christmas joy and blessings to you!
    x Suzy

  7. the warm colours are making me feel all cozy and warm inside! they are so sweet! thanks for sharing! and here's hoping you continue to have a creative day!

    ciao bella

    thanks so much for your sweet comment!

    creative carmelina

  8. Love your art work. Your pillows are amazing!

    Warm Christmas wishes to you and yours! Health, Happiness and may all of your dreams come true for 2011!

    Hugs, Gaby

  9. Hey honey been thinking about you all day and wanted to call you Gretchen picked me up and we are at the coffee shop so I am catching up with wishing friends a Merry Christmas.
    I have to go back while I am here to my site and put the link to your site on it.
    Love love your pieces and thank you from the bottom of my heart for my own pillow and necklace. They are so beautiful. Just like you my friend.
    I love you and will be thinking of you over the holidays.

  10. Hi Dear Susan,
    I have been thinking of you and I want to wish you Much Love & Happiness and Many Blessings this Christmas and into the New Year!

    The gifts you have been creating are absolutely stunning, I just love them all!!

    Merry Christmas Dear Susan~
    Love & Hugs,
    Carol Anne

  11. Susan, these fabrics are beautiful! I've never seen anything like them! Do you know who the designer and fabric company are?


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