A Treasured Heart....I Won!!

Happy Friday To All!!                             

I want to share with all
of you a very special
Giveaway that my
friend Jan had posted
on her blog recently.

Jan makes wonderful
beaded creations and lately
she started making Beaded
Heart Pins...that are just
Jan also makes beautiful
quilts and smaller Art
quilts with beading and
with unique stitches, fabrics
and charms.
Her work is unique, interesting
and beautiful.
I encourage you to visit Jan's
Blog at Laughingdogarts.blog
You will hear woodland
sounds as you take a stroll though
her posts and come away feeling
refreshed and renewed in spirit
and soul.

I thank you my Special Friend
Jan for making this very special
heart just for me...(I was able to tell
Jan what color beads and a charm
that I would like.) I picked the
Moon and Stars charm in honor
of my Granddaughter Halle that
passed away two years ago
on November 14th 2008.

I Love All of You and Praise
The Lord for giving me such
Wonderful Friends here
in Blogland.

Blessings and Love,



  1. This truly is a treasure and very beautiful. Congratulations.

  2. Susan, it is truly beautifull, in it`s vibrant colors. So sad to hear you lost your granddaughter, dear.
    Hugs, Dorthe

  3. Hi Susan, I'm so happy that you like your Heart! It was a pleasure to create it especially for you. I didn't know why you chose the moon and star charm until now, I'm so sorry for the reason. Maybe it is good I found such a small charm to honor the small person who is obviously much missed. You take care, my friend.

  4. Oh Susan I didn't know you had bad new. I am so sorry. Wondered if you had gotten my swap card yet. It is sure nothing like those beautiful things you go. Blessings

  5. This is lovely Susan. Am off to a beading class today!

  6. Oh Susan..this pin is truly Lovely! I will for sure be visiting your friend Jan's site. Her work is phenomenal!

    Thanks so very much for your recent visit and kind words regarding my newest canvases. Means the world to me to have met such wonderful friends like yourself through blogland. Sweet Susan, so very sorry to have learned about Precious Halle. My love and heart are sending you sincerest hugs my special friend, Terri


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