Southern Belle Georgia Bloggers Retreat....November 6th. 2010

Hello Dear Friends,

You all must have thought I
dropped off the radar....well
I have been a Busy Bee lately.

I went to our second Southern
Belle Retreat this past Saturday
and had a wonderful time!!!

I wanted to share with all of
you some pictures of our day
together and also show you
what I had made for my
giveaway gift.

This is Debbie Saenz
opening the gift that I
had brought.

This is Marilyn opening her gift.
                                              This was the gift Marilyn had made to giveaway.
                                                 Isn't this the cutest thing you ever saw. Marilyn
                                               also added a little sign comemorating our day!
 I had painted and decoupaged a cigar box. I thought a Christmas theme
would be nice. I painted the whole thing inside and out and added some
vintage Angel music as well around the sides inside and out.
 Inside the box were a couple of things I made. I made an adorable little
Christmas Fabric Book, the outside is an adorable little girl I copied onto
fabric and sewed her onto the cover with some embellisments. Inside
the book I sewed pockets and inside the pockets I tucked in some Christmas tags.
I call this my Christmas Tag Holder Book. I don't know about you...
but I can never find my Christmas tags to add to the presents and thought
I would make a little book for them so you would always know where they are!!

This wallet is actually an eyeglass holder. I lined the red ticking fabric with muslin
and then sewed the two together, turned it right side out and then added the red
wool felt on the inside, sewed a pocket onto the felt and then sewed the layers
together. Oh yes I had sewed the stretchy gold cord together with the red ticking
fabric and muslin. I added a stamped piece of muslin to the front of it and a button.
This was so easy and came out so sweet!! You can also use it as a coupon holder
or even a check book holder.

I also made a cute stuffed heart with some added Christmas embellishments!
This is the inside of the little Christmas Tag Holder book
 I made this sweet little cuff bracelet for Marcy, she worked very hard in helping to
make our day so special and fun!!! Thank you Marcy Sooooo Much!!!!

These are the lovely earrings I received from Janice.
You can go see more of her lovely work at


This lovely Crown necklace was made by Debbie Saenz and I was lucky
enough to receive it!! I told her this was the first Crown I have ever had!!!
You may find all of her wonderfull creations at blog:

I was given the most beautiful beaded ring from my friend Hero. She and I met
at the first Southern Belle Retreat this past April. I was admiring her necklace
and ring and she took off her ring and said I want to give this to you.....My Oh My
I was speechless and told her no I couldn't...I could not believe she wanted really
give this to me......I humbly accepted it. I am so sorry my camera has not captured
the beautiful colors and detail but believe me it is exquisite. Thank you my Friend
I cherish it!!!

When we all went our seperate ways Debbie and Hero and I went to one of my favorite Antique place right across the street. We found a few little things here and there but most of all we shared a
very special time together.

I hope you enjoyed these pictures and
can forgive me for not posting for a few days.

On a sad note we have found out my Mom
has some skin cancer and I will be taking her
to have some surgery done on the 23rd. of
November....My Mom lives with me and my
husband as most of you know already and I
take care of her everyday. Mom will be 91
in February 2011. I am her only child and
we have been through so much together
and so this will be another journey together
with God always at the helm.

Please say some prayers for her ok??

I Love You All and God Bless Each Of You!!



  1. Wow! What a great gathering that was! So many fabulous gifts were given and in such an elegant setting. My but you have indeed been a busy bee, no wonder you haven't been blogging as much. These things you have created are all very lovely and show such love in the making. People are fortunate to receive one of these treasures from you.

    Sorry to hear about your Mom and the skin cancer, I hope the surgery goes well. You have mentioned that she has been to the doctor fairly often for her skin irritations so hopefully this was caught in plenty of time to be successfully treated. I will certainly put her in my prayer list. What is her name? Other than that, what a great post.

  2. Hi Susan,
    It was great to see you and the rest of the ladies again. I'm glad you like the ring.
    Keep in touch,


  3. Where are you in GA? We were just there & visited several ladies in our travels. Sorry we missed you.

    What a fun time you obviously all had. Love the giveaway.

    Have a great eve ~
    TTFN Hugs, Marydon

  4. Dear Susan,
    You made the most beautifull gifts, I love the red theme you used, -and everything is so very lovely-the heart-book-and boks-sooo sweet, also the cuff, is a lovely gift.
    And love all the jewlry you got, dear.
    So sorry about your mother, I hope she can cope with this, and get throug ,to celebrate a happy christmas with you, dear Susan.

  5. Hi my sweet friend! It was SO good seeing you again and spending the afternoon together shopping! Thank you again for the SWEET box you made with all the treasures inside! I LOVE it!!
    I will say a prayer for your mom.
    ((hugs)) xo, Debbie

  6. This looks like so much fun. Lovely gifts given and received. Am sending a big hug to both you and your Mom Susan.

  7. That was a fun looking day. Something we would like to attend. The gifts were just fabulous done. I really like that cigar box .

    Can you help me with something? google has sent a notice i can't post till I paid for more picture storage. I did pay $5.00 and after 24 hrs I was suppose to have my access back but it's been 72 hrs. Any advice I am new at this


  8. How did you ever get hooked up with other blogging gals. That is great. It seems that all my closest blogging friends live far away.

  9. Susan honey I love these pictures. Of course I would of had to have hidden when it comes to pictures with my job and all.
    You are something else girlfriend with all your pretty things. I love what you made and I have to come back here with my glasses on so I can see better.
    Hope you behave this weekend. You were kind of fiesty on my site today
    Of course I am praying for your mom and you

  10. Sweet Susan..I just discovered this post. Taking some time this A.M. trying to catch up on visiting. It just broke my heart when reading about your mama. I promise to lift prayers for her..and for you too dear friend. You and I have more in common than I first realized. We both are caring for our mother's..both of which reside with us... It has to God's hand in connecting us through our similarities. :))

    What lovely photos from the Blogger's Retreat! I'm hoping one day to be able to share such a lovely experience with you.

    Closing for now..Susan I promise to continue to pray for your sweet mama..please let us know how the treatment goes.

    Love & Friendship,


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