Pictures Of My Granddaughter "Lucia Love"

Hello All,

As promised I wanted to
show all of you a couple
of pictures of little Miss
Lucia Love.....what a
precious little darling
she is.

I will not be able to go
visit her till January,
but thats ok...I have plenty
of time to finish some
projects off that I am
making for her.

Lucia my sweetheart
you are a miracle in
everyway. You are loved
so deeply by all of us.
We thank God you are
here and we pray that
your life will be a wonderful
journey, filled with health,
happiness and joy.
May the Lord guide you and protect
you all the days of your life.

Your Loving Grandma,



  1. Susan - SHE IS BEAUTIFUL!! What a precious miracle - you are going to love her so much! I do love her name - and it suits her already - don't you think! I will so look forward to seeing her grow through your photos~~

    Congrats to you Grandma!


  2. Congradulations!!!!!!! She is just a wonderful gift from out Lord. Take care my dear friend. Love Mary

  3. Congratulations! What are they doing to the poor little baby? She has ink and tape and stuff on her! She is so amazing, she is so tiny and yet so huge when I think about where she came from. Yes, she is a miracle.

  4. Aw Susan she is just adorable. So precious and beautiful. I love that you shared these pictures of Lucia with us.
    Enjoyed our visit on the phone and hearing the excitement in your voice is wonderful.
    Congrats to you grandma

  5. Dear Susan, what a new little wonder-
    I felt deeply in love ,when I became grandma--bothe times-- and I know you will ,too, when seing and holding her-well you are already now :)
    Congratulations again, dear friend.
    Hugs Dorthe

  6. Hi Susan
    Congratulations... she is adorable and a little chunk, so perfectly plump.
    Is this your first? I have eight grandchildren and they are certainly the crown on my head. Blessings to you and your new little one and strength and healing to mommy.

  7. Congratulations Dear Susan! Oh my goodness what a precious & beautiful little angel from heaven! I bet you can hardly wait until you can see her! She is such a little bundle of love!
    Many Blessings to your Dear Granddaughter and to you and your family~
    Hugs & Love,
    Carol Anne

  8. Congratulations Grandma! How beautiful she is, I bet you can't wait to hold her... sigh

  9. Dear Susan,
    Oh my little Lucia is a beautiful angel! I am so happy for all of you that she arrived safely and healthy.
    Congratulations my sweet friend and what wonderful news about your mom, too! I am so behind on visiting my friends, hope you are feeling good and staying warm.



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