Votes Appreciated for ATC Holder Challenge....

Happy Wednesday to All,

Hard to believe that September is
almost gone now. Down here in
Georgia we are still having 90 +
Temps...but the leaves are falling
and the nights are a bit cooler.
I will enjoy the lower temps
whenever they get here!!

I wanted to give my friends
of Art of Mine a heads up,
If any of you would like to
vote and have not yet for
my Artist Trading
Card Holder the time is
now. The Challenge will
be ending tomorrow the 23rd.
A big thank you to All who have
voted for mine already!!!
Please send your votes to Wendy

WOW....I have "98" Followers now!!!
Well that means a "100 Follower Giveaway "
is fast approaching!!
Thank you All for all of your love,
Support and most of all Friendship. I love
each of You and feel so Blessed to have met
You here in Blogland.

Love and Blessings and Pass on Big Hugs....



  1. We are having hot weather here also but I know that will be changing soon...

  2. I love all your ATC's. Glad you stopped by for a chit chat and HB wishes.

  3. I was going to cheat and send her an email from my other email address, but I decided not to cheat, not even for you dear friend! I hope you win!


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