Get "Scrappy Happy"!!!

Hello Dear Friends....

I hope your weekend 
has been going well
for you so far!!

I wanted to share my latest
little creation with you today.

I have been a follower of Diana
Trout for awhile now.
Diana has a book out called
"Journal Spilling" that for those
of you who love to journal
or always wanted to give it
a try, this is the perfect book
for you!!   Please take a moment
and visit her Blog. at...

Recently Diana gave us a challenge
a creative NUDGE if you will, to
try creating something from the fabric
or paper scraps that we
ALL have been I
mean collecting....!! The 
challenge is to glue the pieces
down onto a journal and just play
and not be concerned with being exact...which I have a
habit of doing too much TWEAKING in my art!!! here is what I call my Scrappy Happy
Journal Cover....some of these fabrics
are from a baby quilt I made a while ago,
I had saved every single scrap even the
words on the salvage....I love the one
on the lower side that says Boheme!

Ok, so now the rest of you go ahead
get "Scrappy Happy"!! Try making
something that might be out of your
comfort zone....but will free up some
of your piles of scraps that you have been
saving for that "SOMEDAY".....well someday
might just be "TODAY"!! It's alot
of fun... so go on now go get your glue stick and
some have FUN!!!
Show me what you have created ok? I would
love to see what you have come up with.
Diana called it a " Creative Revolution"
Lets start a Revolution of Creative Freedom!!!

Wishing you ALL Love, Blessings, Peace and BIG HUGS!!!

Susan :)


  1. Susan,
    this is a wonderfull idea, whom don`t have tons of scraps ???? I have,---and your happy scrap book is ,wonderfull, in it`s happy colors.Love it, dear.

  2. Yes! I totally love this, the randomness of it and the abstract nature. Lovely! I see people doing this with paper but yours with fabric is quite unique. Nice work Susan! Can't wait to see what you put inside the journal, if you end up sharing that.

  3. Hi Susan,
    I love your scrap happy book and it looks wonderful. In fact, it makes me happy when I look at it.


  4. Very interesting use of scraps and pieces of fabrics and paper. Happy creating...

  5. You almost have 100 followers! Way to go!!

  6. This is great and you did a great job creating it.

  7. Susan - YOur "scrappy happy" makes me smile - what a fun and lovely project to make with little scraps. It is just adorable - you are so darn creative - these would make wonderful gifts!


  8. Wow what at great idea, love your scrappy happy journal cover, like many other I have lots of scrap.
    Hugs Anni

  9. Always wonderful to see different ways of using up that never ending supply of scraps!

  10. Susan it there a place to put ATC's because if there is you could entry this as your holder... just an idea let me know and i will post in on the site for you then you just need votes... hugs Wendy

  11. Ohhhh dear Susan your Scrap Happy Journal is so gorgeous!! I just love all the pretty patterns & makes me feel good just to look at it!! What a wonderful way to start off my week by visiting you!! :)
    Have a lovely week~
    Hugs & Love,
    Carol Anne xo

  12. I love it, it is really fun and bright and I love the freedom of it too...this is how I like to create.


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