Blissfull ATC Swap Orange theme for August

Hello Dear Blogging Buddies,

If you have not tried making an ATC yet  aka "Artist Trading Card"...You should!!
They are little miniature works of art that you can whip up in no time flat.
You can use any medium your hearts desire...well almost...all it is all contained
in the regulation size of 2 1/2 x 3 1/2" in.
If you would like to sign up to do a swap I would suggest going to the
Blissfull ATC Swap hosted by Wendy and Debbie. We have a swap once
a month and you have plenty of time to prepare and make a unique ATC that
you will trade with someone else! Try it and I know you will LOVE it!!!

My trading partner was Wendy this month and she made the most lovely
orange themed ATC!!!  Don't you agree??

Thank you Wendy and just so you guy's know the September
theme will be Leaves.....come on you will have FUN!!

Love and Happy Hugs to ALL!!!                           



  1. Hi, I love Wendy's ATC! I also traded with her and got this same one! I'll treasure mine always because it's the very first ATC I have in my collection. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  2. I like the way Wendy put the flower on the back and wrote around the petals. She is so smart!

  3. Both are beautiful. Maybe we'll be partners soon! XXMollye

  4. Hi Susan, I'm trying to visit the Blissful ATC swappers to see their cards. I LOVE the ATC's you have created !
    I'm a Georgia gal too ...


  5. Love this card. Reminds me of the fabric designer Kaffe Facette. Love how she signed it.Very creative.

  6. Cool one! Love that flower! I'm just getting around to everyone's blogs to check out the "Orange" ATC's. Lovin' them :)

  7. What a treat to get such a sweet goody in the mail! I love the way she did both the back and the front too!


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