The Mary Hayes Story

Originally uploaded by sjmcdowell
Miss Mary Hayes of Waterbury Ct. was no ordinary woman and at an early age knew what she wanted to do with her life. Mary was not the type to sit idly by and wait for some man to scoop her up and marry her, no sir'e. what Mary wished for was to become a Botonist and to travel to exotic parts of the world to discover and catalog new plant species.
Marys mother had died when Mary was three. Her father was a banker in New York City and took the train every morning at 6:30AM and came home every night by 7:00PM. Mary had learned from her Grandmother a love of plants and would help her in the greenhouse, from planting seeds to propagating. When she was 10 she had already planted her own vegetable garden and designed her own little secret garden.
Marys love of plants developed into a hunger to learn more and so after highschool she went to study under a young but famous Botonist Professor Lee Vanderhorn at New Haven University. Mary attended the university for 4 years and received her masters degree in Botony. Her Father and Grandmother were so very proud of her. Professor Vanderhorn was very proud of her as well and told her so, he had admired her for a long time and on that lovely Saturday afternoon after the graduation ceremonies he knew he cared for her very much.

Mary was in her garden one afternoon waiting for the post man to come, she was waiting for a letter. It was probably the most important letter of her life. Mary heard the iron gate open and close, and with a lump in her throat and heart beating rather fast she crossed the path to the front of the house. Hello Mr. Dell she said, Mornin to you Miss Hayes....Mary could see that Mr Dell was holding out an envelope to her, thank you she said to Mr. Dell and turned to walk back to her garden to sit under the arbor of roses. Mary took a deep breath and turned over the envelope, it was postmarked from Detroit, ok this is it she said to herself and softly saying a prayer opened the envelope, sliding the side of her finger across the flap and then....Mary read......

Dear Miss Mary Hayes,

The Interational Botanical Society would like to extend to you our warmest welcome and offer you a placement in an expedition going to the Galapogas Islands. If you will agree to this assignment please return your letter of acceptance back to us promptly.
You will embark on your journey on the 8th of August 1919 and will depart from the Shipping Port of New York City on the ship "Endeavor". Within a weeks time from receipt of this letter your personal documents will be delivered to you.

Again we welcome you and bid you a safe and wonderous journey,

Sincerely Yours,

Mr. Harold Dobbs
President of the International Botonist Society
Detroit, Michigan

Mary rushed in to tell her father and grandmother the good they were hugging and congratulating her the doorbell rang, Mary answered the door and Professor Vanderhorn was standing there with a very large smile and a bouquet of blue Forget-me-nots, Marys favorites.
Mary was surprised to see him there and asked him how did you know??
Lee Vanderhorn also was accepted to go on the expedition but wanted to tell Mary himself and had spoken to Mr. Dobbs and knew that Mary had been accepted as well. Mary was so pleased that he was going,

Mary and Lee had both recieved a letter that was to change both of their lives forever.....and Tender was their Love for oneanother for the rest of their lives..

Hope you liked my little story about Mary...



  1. Great story!! I love hearing these historical bits that go with our art.

  2. Wonderful story to go with this beautiful artwork.

  3. I love it, the short stories you write are just lovely and happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have a great gift with words my dear friend. I have been thinking about you alot................we must both be on the same wave length. I will get another letter out to you soon. Have a restful evening. XO MARY

  4. Lovely story, and lovely art piece!


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