Down On The Farm With Mr. Seramu.....

Hello All!!

I would like you to meet Mr. Seramu Bantam from Malasia.
The Seramu's are the worlds Smallest Chickens and I was very happy to hold this little fellow for a few seconds, Mr. Seramu was too interested in what was below him....a BIG trough full of all his favorite things to eat!! On the fourth of July in our town of Woodstock we stopped by the Fair, and  I Had to go into the little petting zoo that they had set up and grab a tin can of delectable morsels for all my little farm friends. They even had Pygmy ex father in law in England once told me I should buy about a dozen or so of Pygmy Goats to help keep the grass down in our yard....I never knew if that guy was kidding me or not!! Well I never bought the Pygmy Goats,... he probably wanted to borrow them for his lawn!!
Anyway back to the petting zoo. There was also a medium sized PIG there and to keep himself cool he sat himself down in a water pan....Ha ha ha....Mr. Pig was sitting with his butt in the water and the front paws were on the ground, his owner came over and gave him NACHOS "WITH" CHEESE!! Wow...they looked pretty good too! I wonder if he got some Beer to go with his Nachos???
I gave him a scratch behind his ear... told him SEE YA Around and he Oinked!!

Well thats all from down on the Farm in Woodstock Ga.



  1. ONK onk to you to this morning my dear Susan. Love the picture of you holding this chicken. I can just picture you amongst all the kiddies playing with the animals. Tells a lot about you just from that one sentence.
    Hope your morning is going good. I am sitting here drinking a Dr. Pepper and wishing my house were clean and today was Sat and all this would be behind me. hahaha
    Oh well it will be over with soon. I just mixed my stuff from hell up and put it in the frig. I chose the orange flavor hope that was a good choice.
    wish I had bought some popsicles when I was at the store yesterday but thats okay...they probably would of melted before I got home.
    Enjoy your day and create something pretty.

  2. Sounds as though you were having a swell time conversing with the animals... I always talk to them....

  3. Hi Susan!
    Oh you do look so cute holding that little chicken:)
    Thanks so much for the info on my pink sugar and creamer! Do you think they are worth trying to sell? I knew one of my smart girlies could help me;)
    Hope you are not melting in this awful heat!


  4. What a cute picture of you with Mr. Seramu!! And poor Mr. Pig sounds like he made a pig of himself. Oh well, he's allowed. hee hee hee
    Patricia :o)

  5. Hi Susan,
    Just saw your ATC at Wendy's. Those girls are cute and make a nice "sisters" card.
    Was the fair just for the 4th or do you have them often in Woodstock? I am a little further southeast in Lilburn.


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