A Beautiful Shell Cuff Bracelet

Originally uploaded by sjmcdowell
Happy Monday Dear Blogging Buddies!!

I have admired the wonderful creations made by Diane Knott for a long time. Recently Diane started to make Cuff bracelets made with
shells, pearls, lace and ribbon. The first time Diane displayed one of her finished Shell cuffs, I immediately sent her a post saying that I would love to buy one from her. On Saturday I received my lovely bracelet from her... but that was not all...Diane had wrapped my bracelet in tissue paper and put it into a beautiful Soap box that she decorated with lace and pieces of tree bark and little silk flowers and paper roses that framed a beautiful lady. Diane also included one of her gorgeous tags that she made. I had to share this all with you and if you have never visited Diane please do so at.... http://dianeknottsmusings.blogspot.com/.

Thankyou Diane I will cherish this forever!!!!

Hope you have a wonderful and creative week dear friends,



  1. My pleasure, Susan!! I'm glad you liked everything. :-)


  2. Oh Susan - this is lovely - I have been admiring her designs also. You are so going to enjoy this my friend.


  3. Well you are one lucky young lady. These are beautiful..glad you got such a pretty surprise.
    Girl I got on the internet and I have decided that when I get over this Christi and I are going to rent a house on Tybee Island for vacation and you can join us.
    I did mapquest and it is 1400 miles and some to Savannah from her.
    Loved looking at the rentals on the island and the rentals in Savannah. There are some nice places for rent
    I loved talking to you and laughing
    Oh and your comment girl was toooooo funny.
    I will think about you in my granny outfit at the pool

  4. Hi Susan ,
    I love Diane´s work ,too, she is a marwelous creator, and your bracelet is beautifull.
    xo Dorthe

  5. Susan,
    Yes, I follow Diane and all her work is lovely. Get ready to recieve a lot of compliments and comments when you wear this beauty.

  6. Wow, that is lovely! You get the nicest stuff!

  7. Very pretty cuff bracelet!! So sweet of her to make the tag and box too.
    Thanks for visiting me tonight! I will follow you as well. :) Betzie


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