101 Year Old Embroidered "Basket of Roses".........

Originally uploaded by sjmcdowell
My Grandmother Elsa when she was 17 years old in 1909 embroidered this... as she called it her "Basket of Roses". She had left me a few of her embroidered pieces before she passed away in 1974. I cherish her lovely work and if anyone in my life inspired me the most it would have had to have been my grandmother Elsa. This lovely photo is of Elsa around the age of 17. I think it is one of the loveliest photos I have ever seen.
My grandmother taught me how to hand sew when I was 7 years old and I had made many little clothes for my dolls, they would even have matching handbags! Elsa also made lovely clothing, Corsages, Shell jewelry, wrote poetry, loved to garden and play the piano. Elsa had a love of Roses all of her life and this exquisitely made Basket of Roses is a tribute to whom she was as a person, I being her only grandchild I feel privileged to have known her. Before Elsa passed away in 1974 just before I turned 18 she had sent a couple of boxes to my Mom and I and inside were all her treasured possesions that she had collected over a lifetime and she wanted Mom and I to have them. Elsa had lived 30 years longer than the Dr.'s had told her she would, Elsa had both breasts removed when she was in her mid 50's and they had given her just a few years at best, she beat the odds, and I thank God for the miracle of life that he gave her and a rich and full life that she was able to live. Elsa knew in 1974 she did not have to long to live, she also included my 18th birthday present in the boxes. My grandmother passed away that June, and I had turned 18 that August.
I think of her everyday and miss her so much but grateful to God that he let her be there those 18 years of my life. Among the things that she sent to Mom and I were ALL of my letters that I had written since I was 6 years old from very large awkward lettering to microscopic lettering when I was around 14 years old...she wrote to me once and pleaded with me to write the letters bigger so as she could read my letters!!! The cool thing about our letters to oneanother was that I had kept all of her letters as well, along with the little newspaper clippings and the funny little drawings of the cats in her apartment building...one whom was named Mahidabell!! What a name for a cat huh??

Well this is a long post, but I really wanted to share my story
about my Grandmother Elsa with All of you and somehow through
this wonderful thing called Blogging that a part of her memory will live on.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and letting me share some of my memories of my Grandmother Elsa with all of you..

May you all enjoy Love, Peace and many Blessings always!!



  1. What a wonderful treasure to have and it is so beautiful. Hugs

  2. This is a lovely story, thank you for sharing it. Your grandmother was quite beautiful, so gentle looking. I can understand why you cherish her memory so. I can relate to this, my grandmother was also very special to me, and loved roses.

  3. Susan, what a beautiful story. To be loved like that....you are so blessed to be able to hold onto memories of your grandmother and her lovely handwork.

  4. G'eve Susan ~ What a lovely precious gift from Grandmother to treasure forever. You are truly blessed to have this with your memories ...

    Have a lovely summers eve ~
    TTFN ~ Marydon

  5. Susan, this was just wonderful. What a nice tribute to your Grandmother. You have been blessed to have her memories and personal things she wanted you to have. Take care my dear friend. XO MARY

  6. This is a really beautiful tribute. I wish I had those memories.

  7. Susan so happy you shared these memories with us. What beautiful memories they are too.
    Her work was lovely and I know you cherish each and every piece. I guess you got all your creativeness from her.
    I envy you that you saved all your letters and she did too because I would give anything to have mine from my grandparents. I wonder if Kaci and Bailey save theirs.
    I won't be long and you will be writing memories to your own granddaughter.
    Lovely post and so enjoyed my visit as always


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