A Shabby Garden Flower....to share

Originally uploaded by sjmcdowell
Hello Dear Blogging Friends

I am working on a new project and thought I would share part of
it with all of you. The end result I will reveal to all of you very soon.

Today is very hot here in Georgia and not very good for being out doors
so I am in my craft room busy creating.

I hope that all of you are enjoying this day and doing something wonderful!!

Love and Blessings,



  1. What a beautiful piece for your project. Can't wait to see it.


  2. Susan honey I am so glad I stopped by to see your beautiful project. Hurry and finish so we can see the end result. So far this is really lovely and can't wait to see the finished piece.
    So enjoyed our visit. Your a doll for keeping in touch with me. Be so glad when I can run around outside like the ole woman in that YAYA sisterhood movie. I think thats the movie I am thinking about.
    Love ya

  3. Hi Susan,
    So very nice to have found your comment this morning. Even more so to see you've now become a Fellow-Follower. Thank you so much!

    I love your site! Love your work as well. I read your Bio and want to say it truly made an impression on my heart. So well said. Our spirits do leave an imprint on our whatever work we do down here doesn't it? Just love how you put that!

    Wonderful also meeting another caregiver. My mama is 76 and also has poor hearing. Profoundly deaf in one ear with 70% ability in the other. I'm constantly typing out notes for her whenever I have something lengthy to say.

    Which BTW (by the way) seems to be often. Ha ha

    Thanks again Susan for joining me in this wonderful world of blogging. I plan to visit your site often. Oh..and where bouts in GA do you reside? So pleased to meet another Georgian..I'm actually a transplant from TN, but love Georgia.

    Blessings & Summer Sunshine,

  4. Susan, I don't know WHAT you are making, but I DO know it's just stunning so far! You do lovely work! Have a cool & happy day! (You & I will BOTH be staying inside today. Houston is scorching & soooooo humid! HURRY BACK, AUTUMN! PLEASE! LOL!)

  5. Can't wait to see what will become of this lovely flower.

  6. G'morn, Susan ~ I know that what you are creating is going to be fabulously beautiful ... love the start of it.

    We are having a nasty heat & humidity wave up here in MD also ... not going out in this for sure.

    Have a beautiful summer day...
    TTFN ~ Hugs. Marydon

  7. This is very promising, what are you creating? it will be beautiful, if this peek is any indication.

  8. Susan I love your flower you are working on !!!

  9. whatever this is - is going to be beautiful! Can't wait to see the end result!



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