A Gift from the Heart

Originally uploaded by sjmcdowell
Dear Friends,,

I wanted to share with all of you a gift I received from my friend Jan over at Laughing Dog Arts. She sent me this lovely gift the other day, Jan had hand sewn all the beads and fibres onto this lovely brown velvet fabric. I was in shock when I opened the package to find this wonderfult gift from her. A while back she had sent me a couple of CD's that I was interested in and so I thought I would send her some beads that I had as a little thankyou for the music.
She touched me with her generosity of spriit and her talent is stunning. Please go visit her at Laughingdogarts.blogspot.com.
You will love her blog!!.

I wanted also to thank you all of you who have become followers of mine. I see I have a few more recently and I just wanted to say WELCOME!!! Also I noticed that I have over 80 posts now and so I would like to have my first Giveaway when I reach 100!!! Yippeee!

Love, Smiles and Lots of Hugs to you All!!!



  1. Oh how lovely - this must have been a wonderful surprise for you! I know you will use this to make something wonderful!


  2. I'm honored that you have featured this on your blog. Glad you like it, I had fun making it.

  3. Very pretty! :) Have a good day

  4. Hi, Susan! I cannot TELL you how much your comment on my blog meant! THANK YOU! I just now bookmarked your blog & intend to come over this weekend & read as far back as you go! I also JUST added a thingy on the right side of my blog so people can link to me! Hope I see you there! What a beautiful gift from your friend Jan (my best friend's name is Jan!) and I suspect you are VERY deserving of lovely thing! Hugs!!! Kai

  5. Glad you like the post! I took a few moments to get it in. We are getting ready for the rehersal dinner so today is a long day. Then tommorow is to............Have a lovely weekend my good friend and I will be in touch. It appears you have been blessed a whole lot with friends.............I am especially glad to be one of them. Hugs!!!!!! XO MARY


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