By the Sea... By the Sea... By the Beautiful Sea....

Originally uploaded by sjmcdowell
Hello Dear Blogging Buddies,

I am working on a collage which features my grandmother Elsa and my grandfather August, (3rd in from the right) when they were dressed in their very modest bathing suits!! Oh how I love these pictures and putting the collage together is so much fun!! The pictures were taken on Long island and the year is around 1915. I wanted to show you a little glimpse of what I have been up to lately. I squeezed these few elements on my scanner so you can see it. I will take a picture of the finished product upon completion to show you.

I hope this finds you All having a very good day!!

Love and Hugs,



  1. Sweet, Susan! I look forward to seeing the finished piece. How fun that you have those photos of your grandparents!

  2. Those are WONDERFUL, Susan! I love looking at people's pictures, and ESPECIALLY ones before 1950! I'll be popping back in to see the finished piece!

  3. Susan these pictures are just so special and to think their of your grandparents makes it even more so. Can't wait to see the finished piece of art.
    So enjoyed our chat. You keep my spirits high and boy do I appreciate it very much.
    Wish I had one of these for my water therapy.
    Goodnight and talk to you soon.
    I have gotten such great comments on my kitchen I am afraid to change it now. hahahaha
    Even though I know Dan will have some great suggestions.

  4. I Loooove old photographs! Especially in art :)

  5. love your pink painting very delicate and elegant..hope you had a good 4th July

  6. Oh how I love this! So vintage and yet so personal also. What a great family treasure and so creative - you are the best!



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