Working On Something "Pretty and Pink"...

Originally uploaded by sjmcdowell
Have not posted in a couple of days and feel guilty....I have some projects going on and this is one that I am working on. I have been doing more painting with shaving cream and this time using my garden stencils, so far I have done this beautiful butterfly a Dragonfly and a humming bird. I use acrylic paints this time a pink and yellow combination to get a two tone quality, this technique with the shaving cream is so much husband is going to wonder where all of his shaving cream has gone off to...the only other male is our kitty cat Sam...Ha ha he has a Lion cut so alot less can see him in all his regalness on my sidebar complete with all of his hair.

I hope all of you are enjoying a wonderful day whether it be Sunny or Cloudy there is always room for gratitude,,,,and I am grateful to all of you my dear blogging friends!!

I Love you all!!!



  1. WOW! Those are beautiful! Sounds like you are enjoying painting with shaving cream. I think that is so cool, never heard of it until I came to your blog.

    I hope you have had a very nice day, mine has been good.


  2. Very nice, very pretty. What will you do with this? A pillow perhaps? Keep at it!

    I had to go to town today and it was one of the first beautiful sunny days we have had in awhile. But I got to see a couple of eagles cavorting in the sky above the Costco store! It was worth it then. I looked down to the ground and there were two Elk standing there, grazing across the fence. Cool.

  3. Susan this is beautiful and so glad I could open it and look at it while I was talking to you. Of course I love the colors too and that fabric is something I would of picked out.
    Thanks honey for my beautiful birthday bracelet, card and are just to good to me but I love it and you

  4. Susan - you are always working on something sweet and beautiful! Love this also! Can't wait to see it finished~~~


  5. Susan been thinking about you wondering how your weekend was going. Hope you are having a beautiful one.
    I have not taken my B-Day bracelet off since I got it..hahaha
    Lovely and so unique.
    Just like you

  6. Susan I went over to Sharons from here and she has a birthday post about me..You Georgia peaches are just too kind. I am moving to Georgia as soon as I can stand up more than 20 minutes..hahaha
    Also read her post before scared me to death...about her husband


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