Riding on the Wind

Originally uploaded by sjmcdowell
This is one of my favorite photos that I took last year on Tybee Island, Ga.
My husband, step daughter Catherine and I spent sometime at the ocean. My husband was throwing food up to the Seagulls and they were just hovering over his head waiting for the next morsel. I must have taken 20 shots but I love this one..do you see the cloud above them..it reminds me of Angel wings watching over us...Anyway I wanted to share this with all of you today. I always have it on my inspriation wall in my craft room, it makes me remember our great time together and the light and happy day that it was!!

Love, Peace, and Laughter to All!!!



  1. Gorgeous picture! The seagulls look so pretty against the beautiful blue sky. Thanks, for sharing. Hugs

  2. Dear Sweet Susan, Thank you for your kind words about my hubby. Since his trip into the pond he has had a horrible back ache and walks around in so much pain. His name is Don, please keep him in your prayers. He is falling apart like us all...lol but I hurt seeing him in so much pain. Of course he won't go to the doctor but the doctor has called to check on him. He is soooo stubborn. (I don't do servanthood well and I think God is showing me how I need to improve, ya' think?)
    Thank you for your sweet words,

  3. What a beautifull photo, I love the seagulls,in the sky,---having a lot of them here near the Baltic Sea I though prefer them in the sky or on the sea,lol.
    Hugs, Dorthe


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