Need a lift!!

Originally uploaded by sjmcdowell
A gray day in Atlanta so I thought I would post a beautiful picture from one of my old Victorian magazines.
I love the color pink and really would just love to submerge myself in these gorgeous roses right now!

I love you all...have a Beautiful Day!!!



  1. Beautiful Roses Susan! I can almost smell from here!! (smiling) I found some really pretty "Sorbet Peonies" in the garden ordering catalog this year, and bought one. They are just breaking ground now! They actually look much like these roses! Except that they are pink and white. I hope that your grey day is a blessing. We are also having a grey day, and I am finishing up some old projects that were thrown aside in favor of something newer and more exciting. Back at it...picking up the pieces!! Hugs and Sunshine, Sharon

  2. Susan honey why is it a gray day there. I hope your talking about the weather and not yourself!
    Just wanted to say hello before I leave for the doctors. I have to go back to today and my sister in law in taking me. She is such a sweetheart.
    Yesterday was a bad day for me but a little better today...still can't get around like I want too.
    Love you sweetie

  3. Hi Susan,
    I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day! I love the photo of you and your mom in your previous post, how precious.

    Yes, the weather is a bit gloomy here as well...and roses always brighten things up. My rose bushes are covered in blooms and I never tire of admiring them!

    I'm looking forward to our "Art in the Park" day. It will be so much fun :)
    Blessings Xo
    Ps. i just posted a baby gift that i made. Come see

  4. Good evening my dear swap buddy........I thank you so much for placing my 100th post give-a-way on your blog..........I adore pink a whole lot.........I also love Peonies but for the love of me can not grow them...I have been told I plant them to deep................I may someday try them again beings now that I am older I have more patience.........XO MARY

  5. Beautiful photo - I love the color of those roses. Hope you are having a wonderful spring!


  6. There is nothing prettier than pink roses and yours are beautiful! Even a photo makes me happy, lovely.
    Thanks for the birthday wishes and the visit today. I really love it when you stop by.

    I also love the photo of you and your Mom on your previous blog.


  7. You my sweet lovely friend are in trouble. I got your beautiful beautiful card and bracelet just now. Made me cry to think how blessed I am to have you in my life.
    What girlfriend am I going to do with you...hahaha Love you dearly and please have a Happy day for me..
    I am getting ready to leave the house to meet a young man in town (no not for a date silly) but hopefully to see my house. He is the son of a friend of mine and ask me about meeting him around lunch today so its about that time.
    Get down on your knees and pray he loves and it will give me at least what I need to sell it for. lol
    Love you and thank you from the bottom of my heart


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