Lovely Little Girls....Free Vintage Image

Originally uploaded by sjmcdowell
I wanted to share this sweet little post card I have in my collection with all of you today. I am unable to make out the date on the back.

They are the sweetest little girls, don't you think so??

Feel free to copy this image for your collection as well.

If you use this in your art work please send me a picture of your creation...I would love to see what you will do with it!!

Love and Peace to All



  1. Thanks Susan, Charming little wanna be Geishas having fun!

  2. Susan your so sweet for sharing this with us. Wish I could do something with it. Maybe in time when things are better for me.
    christi went to town for a few things so I slipped on here for a minute. Just a minute I promise.
    Thank you for calling me and checking on me I really appreciate it.
    Hope you feel better soon yourself. Wish I could think of something that you could take that would make you better.
    Lovely postcard...I bet you have lots in your collection

  3. Hi Susan...
    Those three little ones are the most darling things!
    Reminds me of my sisters...
    There are three of us.
    Hope your having a good day my friend,
    thanks for stopping by, I always enjoy your visits.
    xoxo~kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...


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