Creative Painting on Fabric

Originally uploaded by sjmcdowell
I recently bought a book called "Journal Spilling" by Diana Trout.

If you love making your own journals and just letting loose of all your pent up artistic expression well Diana Trout can teach you how to do it step by step. Letting loose and just creating from your soul is one of the most freeing and rewarding things you can do for yourself.
I had some left over fabric from my Apron that I made for the Southern Belle retreat in April, and so I used some for a project I was doing using acrylic paints, inks and Shaving Cream...Yes, shaving cream is great to incorporate with your paints it makes it creamier and the paint does not dry up as quickly.
Anyway I had some plastic cups and caps filled with different colors of paint and even some India ink left over from another I started to use up the paint onto my fabric with foam brushes. I randomly started to brush the colors on to the fabric till I covered it completely.
I let the fabric dry for a couple of days and then thought ok what does it want to be?? I had some lovely Asian stencils so I used the Bamboo stencil and with Black India ink I dabbed my foam brush into the plain ink and randomly placed the bamboo stencil around the fabric. I also used Gold ink for the little stencil swirls.
Then I glued down some of the fabric onto the front cover of my Spilling Journal. Viola!!

If you would like to meet Diana Trout visit her at:

I wish all of you a wonderfully creative day!

Love to All,



  1. HELLO fellow GA Blog pal - love this vey cute and innovative -- Hopre to do better at staying in touch - KAthy - ga ♥

  2. So lovely! Only you would think of using shaving cream to make your beautiful creations!


  3. Your book looks great! I love the shaving cream idea though have never tried it. Thanks for your comments on my blog and for buying my book. I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying it. That makes my day!

  4. So let the questions and answers begin......we need to get answers so we can post a comment so we can win the giveaway........So here it goes....Favorite color PINK, least favoite GRAY, decorating style FRENCH COUNTRY/ WITH A PRIMITIVE TWIST.....I am married, maid of honor wore Jeans, black shirt and sandals.........
    I like to go on junkin outings, garden, quilting..............holly molly!!! hope this does not sound DORKIE....... XO MARY

  5. The shaving cream idea was not mine, you can see the idea on one of the "Quilting Arts" shows. I believe the directions are on their website. They used acrylic paints but I also added shaving cream to some of the turquoise speedball ink which turned out really well I thought. If you use a ceramic container with your inks or paints mixed with shaving cream you can save some by putting plastic wrap over it...ha ha but be careful because it starts growing so every now and then you have to stir it and the foam will go down a bit again. Amazing and so much fun and your art work smells pretty good too! :D

  6. Honey you don't know how much I appreciate you!
    Love this post and once again I am in awe at how creative you are ....
    My flowers are so beautiful and I move them from room to Christi takes me to the living room they follow me..but mostly stay by my bed where she keeps me.
    She is taking a bath and I am sneaking a few comments on the computer.
    Rough moments every now and then with the head and back but hopefully this will soon pass
    Looking forward to our next visit...I go to the doctor in the morning and already dreading the drive but thats ok has to be done.
    Just had to say hi and tell you how much you mean to me

  7. I love what you have done here, looks great and a wonderful way you have used it too. I have done some shaving cream work and I liked the effect but I would warn anyone who tries it to try to find unscented shaving cream! Even that smells too strong for me to want to use it again. But it certainly is a fun thing to try. It is a good book, I'm enjoying it too.

  8. Oh can't wait to try the shaving foam with my painting!!! Great tip x


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