I love Spring Time.........

Originally uploaded by sjmcdowell
We had such a beautiful day here in Atlanta today, compared to yesterday which poured rain for most of the day.
I am tired tonight and feel like I weigh a million tons. Body aches and sleepless nights can wear a person down.

I want to thank all of my followers and blog friends out there who help to make my days brighter and happier. I am glad I am here and to have met such lovely souls. Thank you to each and everyone of you!!

God Bless each of You.



  1. Hi Susan, Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm glad you found the wedding image (have fun creating). I love that beautiful pink bush. So pretty. Have a great week. Blessings, Carol Mae

  2. The blogging world is a wonderful community and I'm glad I am a part of it. You are part of what makes it so wonderful.

  3. Jan is so right honey you are the best part of my blogging experience. We love you and need you to keep writing and posting.
    Enjoyed our visit tonight and of course I had to come to the computer and reread your comment. Actually I have reread it several times and each time I have laughed my fool head off. Girl you are just too funny!
    Sorry about your sleepless nights hope we both rest tonight.
    Just started raining as I started this comment. Good gosh I had no idea it was going to rain tonight....OMG here goes the grass hahahaha

  4. Hey friend, I'm happy you had a happy weekend!

  5. Hi Susan!
    I'm so sorry you're feeling under the weather, I'll be sure to add you to my prayers tonight. Hope you're back to 100% soon, my friend!


  6. Hello Susan,

    Up-and down it goes...I hope you will soon feel compleately well again, dear.
    xo Dorthe


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