Happy Birthday to my son Andy today!!!

Originally uploaded by sjmcdowell
It is hard to believe my son has turned 33yrs. old today!!
WOW....I am so proud of him and his wife Dawn. At the moment they
are waiting to hear news that they will soon be adopting a baby. It has been a long process for them and I can't wait to be a grandma again soon.
Andy is my oldest son, my middle son is Eddie who will be 32 this year and Christopher will be 30. Time goes by too fast.

Love to All,



  1. Well, Happy, Happy Birthday to your son, Andy!!!!
    Saying a little prayer that he and his wife will hear very, very soon a good response about the adoption. I know the Lord will put the exact, perfect Little One into their home.

    And I want to say congratulations to you too, Susan, since you did have a little something to do with his day of birth!

    Cynthia K. (Beauty and Blessings)

  2. Happy Birthday Andy! He's gorgeous Susan :). I know you're proud of them all and can't wait to hear the news of the beebee. My oldest grandson is also an Andy and he was 30 last December! XXMollye

  3. Congratulations with your son,dear,- I do hope they will soon be holding a little new baby in their arms, and you too, Susa.
    xo Dorthe

  4. Happy belated birthday to your son! My son will be 18 in a few weeks and you are so right, time does pass by too quickly! Best wishes to your son and daughter in law for their upcoming adoption, how exciting!

    Kat :)

  5. Susan I am so sorry I am behind with my stopping by here to see you.
    You know I love visiting with you. Your son is such a handsome young man and I do pray for him and his wife to be able to adopt. Like you they will be wonderful parents.
    I hope his birthday was great.
    My dear friend you have been so busy since I was here. I love all your gifts you received at your gathering of friends. Lovely and hard to believe all the love and creativeness in each gift.
    I also love what you made. Wish we lived closer so you could get me going doing something besides working and mowing. haha
    This is my weekend off and I have so much to do I don't know where to start first so I started with writing you.
    Have to deal with my house in town and so I guess I must get started.
    Call me when you feel like catching up


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