Romancing The Rose....

Originally uploaded by sjmcdowell
I have been wanting to try making some paper roses and came up with this little accent on a sweet little tag. Some Rocket Red Gold ink and a gold leaf pen to accent it......Oh how Romantic!!!
Ooooh La La!!

Rainy day in Georgia....



  1. Susan I just don't know how you do all the things you do. Everything turns out so pretty.
    I wish you could go to Warrenton with us too.
    I ended up mowing today instead of going out there. Alan changed his mind and I was behind on my work at the ranch so Sharon and I may go last for two weeks.
    In town right now saving on my bytes and buying a few groceries.

  2. So pretty I can almost smell the flowers.

  3. The tag is beautiful. Did you have a pattern for the paper roses. I love them.

  4. Hello, I followed your link when you left a comment on Diana Trout's blog saying you had purchased her book. I just received that book also and am working my way through the first part of it, painting away. Just thought I'd say "Hi" to a fellow journal spiller! Nice blog you have here, I'm going to go look around it some more.

  5. Hi and thanks for your sweet visit,
    I love your tag, it is so sweet and wonderfull, I will be back to visit
    xo Dorthe


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