Home to Ireland

I looked down upon Ireland while the plane was making it's way towards England. It was early morning and Ireland was waking up...a green jewel surrounded by a blue sea. My heart felt a tug and love of a place I had never walked upon.....My grandmothers folks before me came from Ireland, the Burns, the Keenan's and the Price's. I pushed my nose to the little window and yearned to be walking down there on that hill I could see below me.  I wished to breath in the sweet fresh morning air...Oh maybe if I could take a step back into time and hear their lilting laughter and listen to the pipe and the drum...and smell the stew and bread baking...
and be "home" in Ireland.... If only.



  1. Susan:

    I too have looked down upon the green jewel of Ireland many times as I have been traveling to other European destinations; and, like you, have not yet visited the home of one of my great grandfathers. I do LOVE Irish music and my iPod is filled with it - must be in my genes, don't you think?! Cassandra ♥

  2. Yes Cassandra I too love hearing Irish music it is in our genes that is true!!


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