Only in a World of Love can we Unfold and Bloom

I made this art collage on a canvas frame in honor of my three sons.
They are older now and the three little birds on the trees represent
their own lives now spreading their wings and making their own way. The home itself represents a house filled with love with Mom
always there watching them and loving them in all that they will do in this world. The Butterfly I found one day before Easter and he seemed to be very sick so I put him in a little dish and kept him
safe, the next morning on Easter Sunday I went to see how he was doing and he was sitting there flexing his wings and stayed there long enough for his photo to be taken....he flew off ....and I said he
has risen Hallelujah he has risen!!!


  1. Hi Susan and thanks for visiting -
    we will learn from each other as I am also learning as I go along. -It's fun and bloggers are so friendly.
    Enjoyed my visit on your site.

  2. That is an amazing piece, and you are SO talented!
    Wow! I aspire to be a tenth of the artist you are!

    Have a wonderful Friday!

  3. Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting about my giveaway!
    I was reading your profile and also love the Diana Gabaldon books! What a read! Anything that takes place in the British Isles and Ireland - love 'em!
    Come back again! I love company!

  4. Your site always cheers me up when I stop by here. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful art with us. I love it Susan.
    Do you ever sell you work...if so you need to put your things on my Temptation Mondays

  5. Thank you all very much!! I am humbled by
    such comments. You have made my day...umm quite a few days! love you and God Bless you all.


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