My interpretation of Monet's Waterlilys

Originally uploaded by sjmcdowell
This past year some of Monet's art came to Atlanta. After pestering my husband for weeks that I wanted to go we finally had a chance to go. As I sat there looking at the huge painting of Monets lily pond
the colors seemed to dance and move as if I was there with Monet
in another time and space. This little painting was my interpretation of that feeling I will always remember....sublime, tranquil and beautiful.


  1. So happy you got to see this and I love how you described his art with us.
    Thanks Maggie

  2. I know what you mean. I too have seen one of Monet's waterlily paintings in person and they are breathtakingly beautiful.
    BTW, your new banner looks great!

  3. The first time I saw Monet's waterlily I felt the same way! Your words were perfect!


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